Minggu, 15 Mei 2011

DREAM TEAM, Unbeaten Team in Kobalama

Kobalama is an event that was held by SMAN 3 Pamekasan every year. In this year, began on April 24th, 20011 and end on May 10th, 2011 in red basketball court SMAN 3 Pamekasan,
In the final, supporters from every team were very enthusiastic to support their mainstay team.
Anshori, a 18 year old boy, supporter from Dream Taem Said, "Kobalam is a good program that was SMAN 3 Pamekasan does, and it is  a good media for basketball team in Madura Island to make competition with other basketball team in Madura Island."
Anshori hope that his mainstay teamwill be a winner in this event, his said,"My favorite club is Dream Taem smaga because Dream Team has many a good player and i like it, and i hope Dream Team will be a winner again."
In the end of this competition, Anshoris hope come true, Dream Team smaga be the winner again. It can be prediction by everyone because their performance make the supporter amazed, so do not be shok that in the fact Dream Team smaga pamekasan had been a winner. In another basketball competition / ohter regency, such as Libanjar and Kobasmansa Dream Team the winner too. 

"bu fotonya nyusul ya bu, soalnya saya lupa yang mau memfoto, "

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